Precision TeleRad MYH CARE

Tele-radiology has revolutionized the way radiological patient images, such as X-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound, are shared among clinicians and radiologists. With the use of computers, telephone networks, and internet facilities, radiologists can now provide their services remotely, improving service quality and patient care. Hospitals without resident radiologists can benefit greatly from tele-radiology by obtaining radiology services and reports from radiologists with sub-specialization, even in emergency cases. This eliminates the time-consuming process of sending films for radiologist's report by post, resulting in faster and more efficient patient management. At Precision TeleRad MYH CARE, we take pride in offering a user-friendly web system that provides easy and fast transmission of images and reports, just like the benefits of tele-radiology. With our system, healthcare personnel can access radiological reports and images without any delay, which ultimately leads to an improvement in healthcare service quality and patient satisfaction.